Our Services

  • Consultations
  • Surgeries and Hospitalizations
  • Dental care
  • Medical analysis
  • Medical Imaging
  • Ophthalmology
  • Pharmacy
  • Dietary and Nutrition
  • Vaccination consultation
  • Pediatric, pubertal and geriatric consultation
  • General medical consultation
  • Pre-anesthesia consultation
  • Nutrition consultation
  • Behavioral consultation
  • Surgery of convenience
  • Digestive surgery
  • Urinary surgery
  • Trauma surgery
  • Scaling
  • Dental extractions
  • Dental filing (Rabbits & Other Small Animals)
  • Hematology
  • Biochemistry
  • Cytology
  • Complete urinalysis
  • Endocrinology
  • Microscopy
  • Digital X-rays
  • Abdominal ultrasound
  • Ocular ultrasound
  • Doppler echocardiography
  • Consultations
  • Complementary examinations
  • Surgery
  • Prescription and delivery of treatments
  • Nutritional supplements
  • Antiparasitics
  • Physiological dog, cat and rabbits (or other small animals)
  • Pathological dog, cat and rabbits (or other small animals)
  • Mixed or household rations


Les consultations d’ophtalmologie spécialisées sont assurées par le Dr Sandra Watier titulaire du CES d’ophtalmologie vétérinaire de l’ENVT.

During this consultation various examinations are carried out: measurement of the intra-ocular pressure, examination with a biomicroscope (slit lamp), test stains and samples, ultrasound...

Un suivi complet sera apporté à votre compagnon, tant médical que chirurgical si nécessaire. Nous réalisons les chirurgies de la paupières et ses annexes, de la cornée et certaines affections du segment antérieur de l’oeil. A titre d’exemple, nous prenons en charge les plaies de cornée, les entropions et ectropions, la luxation de la glande nictitante, les biopsies…

N’hésitez pas à nous contacter pour prendre rdv.​


Au sein de la clinique Vetocare, nous pratiquons régulièrement des échographies abdominales, cardiaques et oculaires. Cet examen permet de visualiser de manière assez précise les différents organes de l’animal et ce de manière non invasive.

Dr. Marion Debraine performs ultrasound examinations to establish or refine a diagnosis, to search for a foreign body, to monitor and control a known pathology (stones, pancreatitis, hepatic monitoring, prostate diseases...).

It is also possible to confirm and/or monitor a pregnancy and take certain biological samples.

Contact us also for heart disease screening and follow-up (performed with ECG and Doppler).

Laboratory analysis

In the laboratory area, we carry out, among other things, complete blood and urine analyses, dermatological examinations (layers, scrapings with staining), blood and vaginal smears, blood sugar curves, rapid ELISA tests (FeLV/FIV in cats, parvovirosis, Lyme disease, erhlichiosis, leishmaniasis, etc... in dogs). We work with Fujifilm analysers.

Dr. Marie Canihac will accompany you to best meet the diagnostic needs of your companions.

Elle réalise notamment des examens cytologiques (observation des cellules après ponction d’une masse cutanée, sous-cutanée ou ponction écho-guidée d’un organe). 

However, in some cases we will have to send the analyses to specialized external laboratories (histological analysis, dosage of certain hormones, genetic research, serology).